Thornton Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Jan 27, 2023

Numerous issues occur when you need a transmission repair. Stop by your local Chrysler dealer when they occur. Getting the issue fixed swiftly is vital so you don’t lose time and money fixing a bigger problem.

1. Problems Switching Gears

The main issue most drivers encounter when experiencing transmission trouble is problems switching gears. Usually, it’ll be hardest to switch from park to drive. The problem usually occurs when you’re low on transmission fluid. It can also occur if your old mechanic used the wrong type of transmission fluid.

2. Burning Smells

Burning smells usually indicate a component of your vehicle is overheating. Pull over and leave your car off for 30 minutes before you drive to the nearest dealer. The technicians will check your vehicle to see if one of the parts overheated. If no overheating occurred, then your transmission is likely the problem. The fluid may be old and burning up when you drive.

3. Strange Sounds in Neutral

Cars make strange noises when something is wrong. Listen out for any new noise yours is making. Always take a few seconds to listen carefully while your vehicle is in neutral, as loud noises in neutral indicate transmission problems. You’ll usually just need your fluid topped up or replaced.

4. Slipping Gears

Slipping gears is dangerous, so if this problem occurs, then you must pull over immediately. A tow truck will take you to your dealership, where our technicians will check your transmission to determine the cause of the problem.

5. Clutch Problems

If you drive a vehicle with a manual transmission, then problems with your clutch can indicate problems with your transmission overall. The clutch may stick, vibrate, or feel loose. The clutch itself will also need to be repaired, as it’s failing to disengage your clutch disk as it should.

6. Fluid Leaks

Transmission fluid is sweet-smelling and red. When it leaks, it collects under your vehicle in a usually obvious puddle. Call a tow truck to get you to the dealer so you don’t run out of fluid on the drive there. You may also have a fluid leak if your transmission fluid is dropping rapidly between fluid level checks. Check your fluid levels every few weeks to keep an eye out for leaks.

7. Shaking and Grinding During Gear Changes

If your gear shift shakes when you change gears, then you should get it checked out as soon as possible. You may also hear grinding noises or feel like your gear shift is grinding when you’re moving it.

Don’t hesitate to come by Thornton Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram when your transmission needs to be fixed. Our service department is happy to take on any task.