Thornton Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Jul 7, 2023

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Your alternator quietly and efficiently produces electricity for all your car’s systems. Like any other component, it will eventually wear out or become damaged. As your Chrysler dealer in Red Lion, PA, we’d like you to know a few signs that you need to visit us for an alternator repair.

Flickering Lights

If the headlights start flickering, most drivers will assume that the bulbs are failing and are going to blow soon. This is possible, as worn bulbs often flicker as a warning that they’re failing. You could, however, have a problem with your car’s alternator. If you check your cabin and dash lights, and they are dimmer than they should be, you’re almost certain to have an alternator problem.

A worn or damaged alternator supplies less electricity than it previously did. When the alternator can’t supply enough power for all your car’s systems, the available power has to be shifted from system to system according to demand. The fluctuating power supply will cause the lights to become dim or flicker. We can replace the alternator to fix this problem.

Starting Problems

The battery stores and supplies the electrical power used to start your engine, but it can’t produce this power itself. Starting the engine requires a large percentage of the battery’s stored power. One of the alternator’s tasks is to maintain the battery at full strength. If you experience slow starting, you could have a worn or damaged alternator.

When an alternator gets older, it slows down due to a combination of worn and damaged parts. This slowdown reduces the amount of electricity it can supply, and the reduced power supply will become progressively worse. The lack of power will prevent the battery from fully recharging. Without sufficient charge, your car won’t start correctly. We’ll test the alternator and replace it if necessary.

Burning Insulation

Wiring is essential for transferring electricity from the alternator to the systems and devices that require it. The quantities of wiring vary between models, but your car can easily have 5,000 feet of wiring inside it. This wiring is protected against heat and damage by tough plastic insulation. Although the insulation protects against external damage, it can’t protect it against the ravages of time.

Older wiring can become brittle and break. A broken one will still receive electricity even though it can’t transmit it further, and this will cause the wiring to heat up. As the wire becomes hotter, it can set its protective insulation alight. If this happens, you’ll smell the stench of burning plastic. Our technicians will trace the damaged wiring and replace it to fix this problem.

A failing alternator can easily drain your battery and leave you stranded. Call our service department today at Thornton CDJR.